Monday, March 25, 2013

Taking Action Against School Violence

We found a great non-profit organization that was started by students called SAVE (students against violence everywhere). This website is loaded with information on how to prevent violence in schools. It has tools for parents, educators, and students for how we can prevent school violence. This would be a great program for a school to have to get the community to work together to prevent violence.

To take action against school violence I donated a small fund to the SAVE program. 86% of the revenue that SAVE receives goes to their programs against violence. This money could go towards new programs that would work against school violence or could go to resources to better the programs, etc. I was happy to donate to this program. I think this would be a great program to be placed in schools. It is based out of North Carolina but it would be great for schools nation wide of all levels. I was even more happy to donate when I found out that this was originally started by students. I always think it is awesome when  young people come together to make a difference. Something needs to be done to end school shootings and other forms of violence. This is a great program making an effort to preventing school violence.

I think that the SAVE organization and making a donation to this program supports the democratic value of the common good. This shows people working together to benefit the common good of a community and in this case the nation. Donating helps benefit this program which benefits the common good of communities across our nation.

As an educator I think it is very important to teach students about social justice issues. This helps students to learn how to form educated opinions, it keeps them updated with what happening in the world or their community, and teaches them how they can make a difference. Educating our children about these issues while they are young can help them make a difference as adults, which can help the community as a whole.

Blogging on this topic gave me a lot of tips and ideas for how to prevent school violence when I become a teacher. I also learned how tough it is to find an answer to this topic. We can never truly/fully prevent school violence, there will always be violence in our world. But, as educators, parents, coaches, etc. we need to be doing what ever we can to make an attempt to end it and keep our students safe. I firmly believe prevention plans need to be placed in every school, they should be routinely practiced, teachers should have some form of self defense training, and it needs to be a community effort monitoring students. Having close relationships and monitoring students can also help this cause.

Overall I enjoyed researching this topic and love the SAVE program we found. Check it out!

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