Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pam's Interview

Woburn Police Officer

Where do you stand on teachers being allowed to carry guns in school?
            Well, honestly I feel that they should be allowed to. It is a constitutional right to bare arms and based off of what’s happened recently if teachers and bus drivers are supposed to take their children in to account and protect them they should be allowed to have the means to protect them.  They shouldn’t be asked to protect students without given them the right to have something to protect them with. 

Do you think it should be mandatory or a personal choice?
            I think that it should be a personal choice. In order for them to carry they should have to go through the normal background checks. The same as everyone else but it should ultimately be up to the district who should be carrying.
            If I had a teacher who had a gun that would make me feel better if I were a student.

Should students be aware of teachers carrying guns in school?
            Students should not be aware of who has a gun in school but on an elementary level the parents should now. It is a concealed weapon but parents should know but students do not need to know because it could prompt a lot of stuff that you do not want to happen. If their classroom teachers carries they the parents should know.

What do you think schools could do to increase security?
           Having a police officer on duty works to an extent but a lot more can be done when our schools are updated.  The newer schools its next to impossible to get into school if you aren’t a parent or guardian but the older schools almost anyone can walk into the schools. The older schools need to be updated to have better security systems in place.
            Schools should have limited access to anyone, if your not a parent or guardian you don’t need to be there.  Everything and everyone should be logged and kept track of.

My thoughts:
I agree with many of the things that woburn police officer had to say.  I think that it is very important that we update our schools and make sure that everyone entering and exiting is logging in and it is monitored closely.  I also was happy to hear that he thought that it should be a personal choice to carry a firearm.  I think that many teachers may be scared to carry a firearm but if some that are more confident then I think its great.  I also agree that parents should know if students classroom teachers do carry a firearm especially on an elementary level.  I think that in high school and middle school students should not be aware of who is carrying.  If students know they might go looking and then that could prompt things that we do not want to happen.  I was happy to hear that we share some of the same opinions on schools safety policies.

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